Why You Need Our Service?

We all understand the challenges and expenses involved in running your services, such as marketing, affiliate programs, and advertising deals. Acquiring customers is no easy task.

By utilizing our service, you can ensure that your current customers will have a seamless experience finding your new addresses. They will simply enter your blocked domain and be automatically redirected to your new domain. This eliminates the need for sending emails, notifications, SMS messages, or creating AMP pages for Google.

Imagine a scenario where a user visits your site once but doesn't register. Later on, they decide to return and register, only to find that your site has been blocked by government authorities. With our service, the user will be redirected to your new domain, ensuring that you don't lose potential customers.

Additionally, when your customers search for your new domain in Google results, they may come across rival sites that advertise at the top and attempt to steal your customers. Some sites even go as far as copying your site and engaging in fraudulent activities. By using our service, you can prevent this and protect your brand.